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Re: pbuilder maybe? Perhaps?

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Bob Proulx wrote:
| Harald Dunkel wrote:
|>pbuilder seems to be missing. There were no updates in the
|>amd64(gcc-3.4) pool for some days, anyway.
| Of course if the gcc-3.4 archive has a problem it needs to be fixed.
| But your note suggests that you are just looking for a good pbuilder
| package.  So I will comment on that, since I can't help with the
| other.
| Since pbuilder is an "all" package it is not dependent upon gcc-3.4.
| I just updated from the pure64 archive this morning and it did install
| a new pbuilder.  If you were looking for a pbuilder update then you
| may pull just the architecture pbuilder_0.118_all.deb from any of the
| sid archives.
| Bob

Pbuilder is in the archive. I could manually download and
install it. But at runtime (using the same server
http://debian-amd64.alioth.debian.org/gcc-3.4) pbuilder
complained about the Packages file and about Bash:

Distribution is sarge.
Building the build environment
~ -> running debootstrap
I: Retrieving debootstrap.invalid_dists_sarge_Release
I: Validating debootstrap.invalid_dists_sarge_Release
I: Retrieving debootstrap.invalid_dists_sarge_main_binary-amd64_Packages
I: Validating debootstrap.invalid_dists_sarge_main_binary-amd64_Packages
W: http://debian-amd64.alioth.debian.org/gcc-3.4/dists/sarge/main/binary-amd64/Packages.gz was corrupt
I: Retrieving debootstrap.invalid_dists_sarge_main_binary-amd64_Packages
I: Validating debootstrap.invalid_dists_sarge_main_binary-amd64_Packages
W: http://debian-amd64.alioth.debian.org/gcc-3.4/dists/sarge/main/binary-amd64/Packages was corrupt
I: Checking apt...
I: Retrieving bash
E: Couldn't download bash
pbuilder: debootstrap failed
~ -> Aborting with an error
~ -> cleaning the build env
~    -> removing directory /var/cache/pbuilder/build//5703 and its subdirectories

Would anybody mind to check?

Many thanx

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