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Re: gdm deprecated?

On Mon, Jul 15, 2013 at 07:15:09AM +1200, Michael Cree wrote:
> gdm3 has not been buildable on Alpha for more than 39 days because its build
> dependencies are not satisfied.
> But was gdm3 even working for you?  It was crashing last year and I filed
> a bug report but I was not aware of it being fixed.

I seem to recall that as well...  Something motivated me to give KDE a
try, and that might have been the excuse I used :-).

On the matter of Gnome in general, if ubuntu's "unity" is the future of
Gnome, I want none of it.  Personal preference is obviously a factor,
but the single most annoying thing about new Gnome vs. old is not being
able to save the state of the desktop and have it restored the next time
one logs in: damned frustrating to have to restart terminal windows and
such each time.  No sympathy from the Gnome developers on that one,
except for a strongly expressed desire to not restore that functionality
unless it can be done cleanly: much grousing about how kludgy the old
"session save" mechanism was.

I don't change desktop managers lightly...  One of my up-to-date systems
is still running AfterStep.  It lacks much of the "gee whiz" stuff that
folks who place a high value on eye-candy seem to crave, but simplicity
is often an overlooked virtue.


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