debian-alpha Sep 2009 by thread
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Re: [DebianGIS-dev] Bug#545843: Bug#545843: grass: FTBFS: configure: error: *** Unable to locate ODBC includes. Francesco P. Lovergine
Antalya'da Konaklama Yarım Pansiyon 50TL'den itibaren Hotel Royal Hill
[BUG] recent squeeze X11 updates causing SIGSEGV on startup Bob Tracy
Re: Bug#532447: xulrunner_1.9.0.10-1(alpha/unstable): FTBFS on alpha - test failure Mike Hommey
any objections from port maintainers to make gcc-4.4 the default? Matthias Klose
gnome-settings-daemon fixed in testing Bob Tracy
Help with slicer FTBFS on alpha - #548500 Nelson A. de Oliveira
The last update was on 14:27 GMT Sun Aug 16. There are 39 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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