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Re: Miata & Kernel 2.6.x

On Thu, Jun 17, 2004 at 02:42:50PM +0200, Ralf Pelzl wrote:
>    Hello,
>    i have a strange problem with my debian installation.
>    Hardware: Personell Workstation 600au (Miata), Systemdisk 9,1 GB @ SCSI
>    QLogic ISP1020
>    Software: Debian 3.0r2 unstable, installed on an EXT3 filesystem
>    the 2.4.x kernel runs fine. no problems at all. i configured a 2.6.x
>    kernel (tested with 2.6.1 - 2.6.6) i get a driver error that means that
>    there is no error handling on the qlogic driver. ok, the machine can load
>    the os and i can work. after some hours and some reboots the filesystem is
>    corrupt, the journaling repairs at each boot some errors. after some
>    reboots the filesystem is broken so the machine is never booting. with the
>    2.4.x kernel i dont have problems. but i want to use the newer kernel. my
>    question now: do you have any experience with that, is it a problem of the
>    ext3-driver (never tested with ext2), a qlogicisp driver problem or
>    whatever ? i read in this list about a driver from www.feral.com, but i
>    cant open that website. can anyone send me that driver ?

I don't know why you are seeing corruption in 2.6. Provided I don't put any
serious load on the qlogicisp driver is seems to work OK. As soon as you put
some real work into it (or just a cdrecord!) it will hang though.

The feral driver works fine but I haven't seen it ported to 2.6 yet - certainly
the version I have won't compile under 2.6.

FWIW - here's a copy: http://people.debian.org/~patrick/isp_dist.tgz



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