Re: DAC960 Alpha support (was: Re: Redhat 7.2 on a DEC ALPHA 2100)
On Mon, Jan 26, 2004 at 04:26:23PM -0500, Jay Estabrook wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 22, 2004 at 10:50:47AM -0800, MC wrote:
> >
> > I'm a little confused on the model/firmware:
> > I just bought a DAC960PU-3 (D040397) thinking that I could replace the
> > non-ultra PD that I have without problems. But the card just arrived,
> > and it has two bios chips - 3.51 firmware version. While I am confident
> > I could put root on it, will I be able to actually boot to an array on
> > this card (as I do with my currnt setup) with the 3.5 firmware as
> > opposed to the DEC 2.7 firmware? My system is an AS1200.
> That's a VERY good question...
No - it would not boot. It recognizes the ccard and the arrays -
sh dev shows normal looking output, ie
dra0. DRA0 3 member RAID 5
dra1. DRA1 3 member RAID 0
but when i try to boot dra0 it error with:
Could not find controller for device dra0
Device dra0 is invalid
> The Linux driver will be happy using the later firmware, but I really
> don't know what will happen with SRM console.
I don't know how happy - it complained that a drive was dead, and
rebuilt using the hot spare :(
...although, I am suspicious of a bad cable...more on that...
> > BTW, if i can't use this dual chip setup, can the chips be repolaced
> > with a single chip with the 2.7 firmware?
> Uh, I don't know this either... :-\
Nope - card is dead without the two chips.
> I don't know if we ever sold those D040397 cards with later FW than
> 2.70. If we DID, then the console should work.
> I know we sold some later DAC960 cards with FW > 3.0, but I don't know
> if the earlier cards, or older consoles, were updated to work this
> way.
> Good luck, and let us know how you make out...
> --Jay++
Terribly :(
I finally aquired a second expander card for my split bus (I had been
running split bus without it just fine), so I took this oportunity to
install it - bad move as this slight change in cabling, and a possibly
bad cable has rendered my arrays unworkable (I'm writing this from a
windows machine :( ).
A series of foolish moves on my part (marking the failed drive optimal,
restoring the config from backup after the array had already been
rebuilt) has pretty much made them unreadable, unless someone has some
brilliant ideas...
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Jay A Estabrook HPTC - LINUX support
> Hewlett-Packard Company - MRO1-2/K15 (508) 467-2080
> 200 Forest Street, Marlboro MA 01752
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --
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