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sx164 with mga2 probs, noaccel required?

I've got an SX164 running woody with a matrox millenium II (2164w)
w/ 8MB.  Using the xserver-xfree86 4.1 package I can get X to run but I
get screen corruption/messiness towards the bottom of the screen when
running anything that draws a lot (first noticed with a web browser
[galeon], then confirmed to be an X issue by running ghostview).
Another interesting bit is that regular X stuff is corrupted towards
the bottom of the screen if I turn use 24 bit color rather than 16 bit.
I'm currently using 1152x864 resolution.

It's running "fine" with noaccel right now (where fine is painfully slow).
Any ideas?  I've used this mga2 8mb card in past PCs with great success
at 1600x1200x24bit [all 8mb] using xfree86 3.9 and later.

The problem appears to be related to how much video ram gets used or
possibly to how much IO is done to the video card over the pci bus?
Any ideas?  Any suggestions on better video cards for this machine?


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