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Re: aptitude on alpha (again, sigh)

On Thu, Nov 01, 2001 at 03:43:51PM -0500, "Christopher C. Chimelis" <chris@debian.org> was heard to say:
> >   Can anyone reproduce/hunt down 114270?  I can't reproduce it (I think
> > it's probably Alpha specific), and I don't really have much of an idea
> > where it could be.  I haven't gotten any other reports of this, which
> > makes me wonder if maybe it could be the reporter's system.
> It's an Alpha thing.  I started looking into this bug a few weeks ago, but
> got busy with other things.  One thing I do know that needs to be done is
> adding "-mieee" to CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS on Alpha.  It would probably be

  Why does this fix the problem?  (ie, is this just working around a bug
in the code?)  The documentation says it has something to do with
floating-point comparisons being "inexact".  Specifically, it mentions
handling NaN and +-Inf correctly.  This seems to be indicating that I
have a divide-by-zero somewhere!

   Many thanks,

/-------------------- Daniel Burrows <dburrows@debian.org> -------------------\
|          You are in a maze of twisty little signatures, all alike.          |
\-------- Classes are first-class objects. -- http://www.python.org ----------/

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