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Re: Debian 2.2(potato)Alpha-no lpd?

On Thu 08 Mar 2001, mel kravitz wrote:

> Thanks Paul, printing works fine now-<apt-get> is a hand tool.
> Kernel compile question: kernel-source all i need? or will i be missing
> .headers or  .c compiler?

You can also simply download the official kernel sources from
a kernel.org mirror, that's generally what I do.

However, I would recommend you get used to building kernels
with the kernel-package package. With that, you build a kernel
and package that into a .deb which can then be installed with
dpkg -i kernel-image-blabla.deb
It takes just a little getting used to, but then it's great.  So,

	apt-get install kernel-package gcc debianutils make libncurses5-dev

should take care of the most important things. After that, read

Paul Slootman
home:       paul@wurtel.net      http://www.wurtel.demon.nl/
work:       paul@murphy.nl       http://www.murphy.nl/
debian:     paul@debian.org      http://www.debian.org/
isdn4linux: paul@isdn4linux.org  http://www.isdn4linux.org/

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