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RE: Single User Mode?

Hi Jay,

Thanks for your reply.

Managed to work out the single user mode stuff ... just as you say thanks.

As for the Voodoo .....mmmm. Bought some time ago for a wintel machine and 
thought the 1000A would make a nice gnome workstation (overkill???) so put 
it in there instead. Sort of given up now. I can get hold of a Matrox 
Millennium so I will give that a try.

Oh .... now using RedHat on the machine. Would rather have Debain but all 
seems to work although the 1meg video card gives me sh*t resolution. I 
think I will stick with Sparcs in the future. Got the Alpha for around $100 
... bargain??

Thanks for your help (-:



Mailto:iain_johnstone@agilent.com (work)
http://www.agilent.com (work)

-----Original Message-----
From:	Jay Estabrook [SMTP:Jay.Estabrook@compaq.com]
Sent:	25 September 2000 20:54
To:	Iain Johnstone
Cc:	debian-alpha@lists.debian.org
Subject:	Re: Single User Mode?

On Fri, Sep 22, 2000 at 10:57:45PM +0100, Iain Johnstone wrote:

> How do you boot into single user mode on a DEC 1000A 5/400 in SRM? I
> screwed up on the X setup )-:

Add "single" to the -flags argument(s), ie -flags "root=/dev/sda3 single".

> Also, has anyone got a X to work with a Voodoo3 on Potato on the
> above hardware?

Both 3.3.6 and 4.0.x have working Voodoo3 support, IIRC, though 4.0.x
is problematic on EV56 machines with some servers.

The problem area is most likely that the SRM console's BIOS emulator
may not like the BIOS code on the card. Only advice is to FLASH the
latest release of SRM available for 1000A, and see what happens. Hold
on to your receipt in case you have to return the card... :-\

Good luck.


Jay A Estabrook                            Alpha Engineering - LINUX 
Compaq Computer Corp. - MRO1-2/K20         (508) 467-2080
200 Forest Street, Marlboro MA 01752       Jay.Estabrook@compaq.com

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