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Re: Bad dependencies list

 "Christopher C. Chimelis" <chris@debian.org> writes:

> This is a PITA.  I sent in patches for bb to work and compile, but
> the maintainer never did anything other than remove alpha from the
> arch list. I've NMU'ed it anyway (binary) since a source NMU won't
> be accepted unless I bump the importance of the bug.  Screw it, this
> one is just one we'll have to send patches to users who want to
> compile it from source on Alpha... (this is getting REALLY old).

We've sent the maintainer a patch some weeks ago, and it seemed he
might actually use them. Let's see...

> >   Package ale-clone-cogliati version 0.11-1 has an unmet dep:
> >    Depends: ale-clone
> ale-clone can't be run until the ZPixMap stuff is ported to 64-bit
> archs (still not done in XFree86 4.0.x, fyi).  It requires that
> extension before it'll run (I've been down this road before).  Since
> the ale-clone-cogliati package is arch:all, I'm ignoring it.

Could you elaborate on this? X on Alpha certainly has ZPixmaps, and I
get the same extensions listed as on an i386. What exactly is missing?


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