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Re: compag fortran compilers

Thanks for the work on making the debs.  Well I already bit the bullet,
got familiar with apt-get and upgraded to potato.  Everything worked fine
and I was able to install the fortran compiler without a hitch.  I
proceeded to my project and was able to compile the source perfectly.
Unfortunately, whenever I got to the linking phase I found an interesting
problem.  Something was quite wrong with the installation of the compaq
math libraries.  A simple test program which does nothing more than
calculate the value of a trig function returns:

/usr/bin/ld: cannot open -lcpml: No such file or directory
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
fort: Severe: Failed while trying to link.

after some further checking (and reinstalling the compiler and math
libraries) I believe that the problem is with the placement of the
packages.  The libraries that come with the compiler install themselves to
/usr/lib/compaq/library-name/.  However the documentation suggests that
they should install their libraries directly to /usr/lib.  Another area of
concern particularly with the cpml package is that after installation via
dpkg it puts libcpml.a and cpml.h into the /usr/lib/compaq/cpml-0.2
directory, but does create libcpml.so that is mentioned in the readme
(this is supposed to be a replacement for libm.so).  I also tried putting
the directories (/usr/lib/compaq/cpml-0.2/  etc) in ld.so.conf and then
running ldconfig, but that did not solve the problem.

I also encountered another problem when I was playing with the installed
files.  I tried to run ladebug from the command line with no imputs. I got
this error message:

Ladebug Debugger Version 4.0-54 caught signal "Segmentation fault" (11).
This is an unexpected condition and may indicate the presence of a defect.
If you wish to report this, please include the stack trace that follows.
Diagnostic stack trace ... %%% Jun 24 1999 00:21:25 %%%
0x200005276a4 : __uflow
0x2000052309c : getc
end of diagnostic stack trace.
Unexpected exception in Session::parseCommandFromCin
(ladebug) Segmentation fault

Which brings me to my final question.  Are these things that I should be
reporting to the debian-alpha list, or should these go to the compaq
people offering the compiler?

Thanks for all the work so far, I really appreciate it,
Luke Shulenburger

On Sun, 11 Jul 1999, Christopher C Chimelis wrote:
> No, not at all (from memory here).  I made those debs, fyi, and, while
> they are made on a potato system (all I have), the binaries are all
> static with the exception of ladebug, which is linked to libcstd2.8 (and
> oldlibs package).  Let me know if you have any problems and I can attempt
> to regenerate the debs on a slink system.  Compaq has been VERY
> cooperative with my requests in regard to offering debs, so I don't expect
> resistance if something pops up like this.  Also, if they happen to catch
> this message, THANKS for the help regarding this.
> Try to install the packages anyway, is my advice.  Use --force-depends,
> but please install them in the proper order according to their
> instructions.  From my recall, ladebug doesn't need to be installed, but
> the rest does, and in order.
> C

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