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Re: Where do I find Communicator?

On Fri, 12 Feb 1999, Robert Stone wrote:

> 	Umm, not that I know anything about the problem really, but
> Netscape generated a Digital Unix binary, wasn't that 64 bit?  Can we find
> out what they did to get a compile?

Basically, they used a Digital Unix cc switch to compile everything as
32-bit, which eliminates all of the problems.  IMO, it was a cheesy
workaround for poor portability coding, but it worked at the time.  I'm
hoping to see better from the Mozilla packages, but so far, little
progress has been made to make the beast more port-friendly (they have
done some neat stuff to the back-end, though, although not related to
making things 64-bit clean).

I have a lead on how I might be able to fix mozilla, but I need to analyse
the "temporary fix" a bit better before going that route.  I'll post if I
make progress.


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