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Re: some hamm install notes

On 25 Feb 1998, Ken Raeburn wrote:
> Paul Slootman <paul@wau.mis.ah.nl> writes:
> > IMHO leave MILO in flash. I understand that doing that saves some memory
> > (MILO doesn't have to remain resident).
> Weird.  Why would it have to remain resident if you boot from disk?

When you reboot or halt Linux, it doesn't go all the way back out to ARC
firmware, for example.  It goes back into MILO.  Try it.

I never thought about it, but I guess it would be absurd for the Linux
halt/boot process to re-load MILO.  So, it makes sense that it stays resident.

Even when MILO is in flash, are variables kept in resident memory?  For
example, it remembers the boot parameters last used to boot -- where is that
info kept?  I know it *can* read from CMOS in some cases, but I know in the
case of MILO running on top of ARC, it doesn't.

Doug DeJulio                         | mailto:ddj@aisb.org
Ancient Illuminated Seers of Bavaria | http://www.aisb.org/~ddj/

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