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Re: xbase-clients package ?

>>>>> "AH" == Anders Hammarquist <iko@iko.pp.se> writes:

    AH> Relax, it's OK. It's not supposed to exist (yet).

    AH> xbase-clients is generated by the newly released, reorganized
    AH> X packages. I haven't compiled that release yet, as it is
    AH> still too much of a moving target (and still has lots of
    AH> problems, apparently). Give it a week or so and I expect it
    AH> will have settled down enough to be worth compiling.

  Erm - this does cause something of a problem. The new xbase packages
(which *are* available), appear to omit things such as xauth, xterm,
xdm etc. Presumably these have been moved into other packages. It
would be rather nice to have them - I'm currently in a state where I 
don't dare do anything to jeopardize my X session, since it's running
things that I no longer have binaries for...


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