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MILO and Flash ROM's on alphas

Having had some experience in the area recently (thanks Steve!), I'm putting
together a small HOWTO on MILO and the Flash ROM on many alpha motherboards.
(If you didn't know, you can put MILO in the Flash ROM, that way you don't
need the little milo partition at the beginning of your drive -- but don't
try it without a little instruction!)  This is also good if AlphaBIOS
doesn't recognize your SCSI controller, and you want to boot off it, like
me.  ;)

However, I need to collect some information.  Anyone who has done this
please send me a short private mail describing your experience.  I also need
to know what hardware (besides the AlphaPC164LX) *has* a Flash ROM, and what
hardware specifically does *not*. 

When I'm done we can add this to an updated MILO howto that I hear people
are working on, or something...

-- Bob

 / Rube Goldberg? Bah! Amateur! I give you..Windows 98! Linux everywhere \ 
| Linux, because everyone's work is mission critical.   ANYTHING inside.  |
|_Bob McElrath (mcelrath@wisconsin.cern.ch) Univ. of Wisconsin at Madison_|

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