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RE: On Documentation

I can handle the AlphaBios part. There is already a description of it somewhere and I will adjust it to our needs.
Although Loic´s README is good for experienced users, it might be a little too short for the end user (the 
way I remember it).

I think most of the information needed can be extracted from the Alpha FAQ and other sources,
spiced with a little bit of our experiences this should make up a good document for installation.


From:  Paul Slootman[SMTP:paul@wau.mis.ah.nl]
Sent:  Monday, September 28, 1998 8:52 AM
To:  debian-alpha@lists.debian.org
Subject:  Re: On Documentation

On Mon 28 Sep 1998, Marc A. Volovic wrote:

> > 4) Booting MILO with AlphaBios
> Can _anyone_ write this? I've done this once but it was so painful that I
> used the debug monitor to boot thereafter.

The http://lhpca.univ.lyon1.fr/axp/README file is pretty clear on that.
Or do you mean something else? I used that file as a guide when doing my
last reinstall, and it worked perfectly.

Paul Slootman
home: paul@wurtel.demon.nl | work: paul@murphy.nl | debian: paul@debian.org
http://www.wurtel.demon.nl | Murphy Software,   Enschede,   the Netherlands

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