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Re: a new set of installation disks

On Wednesday, 17 Jun, Loic Prylli wrote:
> The resc1440.bin is a filesystem with kernel+milo+linload.exe, so it
> should be all you need to boot (and it is also needed in the middle of
> the installation process)

Cool.  Now, to make it SRM bootable as well, the boot sector needs to be
slightly tweaked.  The changes required are very simple, they only touch
the last 32 bytes of the boot block, do not affect the readability of the
image as a FAT filesystem, and can be made by a simple program I wrote
yesterday, called `srmbootfat' (see ftp://genie.ucd.ie/pub/alpha:
srmboot.tar.gz is the source, srmbootfat is a prebuilt Alpha binary,
not debianised).
The usage is: srmbootfat resc1440.bin milo

I haven't actually checked it with SRM yet (only performed some dry
tests), mainly because I don't have a MIATA and I want to build my
custom MILO first to test all things together.

By the way, about the MILO configuration file issue - apparently this
feature is already supported.  According to the source code, if you boot
with just `boot dev:', not giving kernel file name, MILO should read
file /etc/milo.conf on the specified device and act accordingly.  The
syntax is the same as of /etc/lilo.conf, the only supported keywords
being timeout, image, root, label, and append (though timeouts don't
work yet).


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