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gcc 2.8.0


I realised where I went wrong on the last two builds of gcc 2.8.0 and cpp.
Basically, I needed to build the stage3 compiler and it wouldn't have had
to rebuild the whole thing just prior to install.

Anyway, I noticed a non-maintainer package of it sitting in Incoming on
master, so I ftp'ed it out of curiosity.  Using those sources and diffs
(and a minor patch by me), I rebuilt the package and the new one is up on
beezer now.  The version numbering hasn't changed (is now in line with the
non-maintainer version), but I've tested the search paths for gcc and cpp
and everything looks great.  Please test and let me know how/if it works
right.  On receipt of good feedback, I'll upload the final to master :)


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