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Christopher C Chimelis <chris@beezer.med.miami.edu> writes:

> Also, I would like to know who has tried egcs-compiled kernels and
> what your experiences are.  So far, I'm running an egcs kernel and
> it runs nicely.  I've heard of past problems with egcs kernels on
> the x86's, but so far, everything's been smooth on the Alpha.

I have got a UDB box at home running an egcs-1.0 compiled Kernel
2.0.3x (sorry, can't remember the exact patch level right now).
Unfortunately I don't use it that often, but so far, I have not run
into any problems/kernel crashes whatsoever.  Makes for a total uptime
of about a day or so :-(.  This is a UDB w/ 24M RAM and a 512M SCSI
disk, as shipped by digital.


Alexander Jolk * jolk@ap-pc513b.physik.uni-karlsruhe.de * +49-721-608-3572

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