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Just loaded debian, how do I help?

I just managed to scrounge up another disk for my UDB, and managed to build it
into a Debian system.  I had to jump through hoops to get the base system
installed, and then massage the local copies of the Package files for dselect
to be useful, but the system is working right now.

>From use, I can definitely see it's not as stable/usable as RedHat 4.2 yet --
no big suprise, I'm not complaining.  I left the RedHat distribution on my
internal disk intact, so I can boot to that when I need stability.

How can I be of use in bringing it up to speed?  I can compile packages, I can
test things, I can compare the Debian and RedHat behaviors almost
side-by-side, I can document what I've done to get this far... but I can't put
in more than about 5 hours a week on this.

(BTW, as far as experience, I've been coding in C for about 15 years, and on
Unix for about 10, and under RedHat/Alpha I did enough porting of
non-64-bit-clean code to know what I'm in for...) 

Oh, the UDB is on the net 24x7 (it's "valen.aisb.org"), and I could also give
access to other folks who want to build Debian packages.  The bandwidth isn't
great, but it's there.  I've got a 1gig disk on it, and at the moment over
500M are unused.  Once I'm more comfortable with it, I can also wipe RedHat
off the internal disk and do practice installs from disk sets.

Doug DeJulio                         | mailto:ddj@aisb.org
Ancient Illuminated Seers of Bavaria | http://www.aisb.org/~ddj/

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