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2.0 kernels - new alpha-patches


Nikita, have you seen Jay's announcement on axp-list of alpha-patches-0.4?
He claims to have incorporated the RTC, ap02-fixes and sound patches.
Does this mean that we've merged with the main tree, or are there still
glibc header file issues?



| Nikhil Nair                    |                                 |
| Department of Chemistry        | Tel.:  +44 1223 336350 (lab)    |
| University Chemical Laboratory |        +44 1223 368353 (home)   |
| Lensfield Road                 | Email: nn201@cus.cam.ac.uk      |
| CAMBRIDGE                      |        nxn@theor.ch.cam.ac.uk   |
| CB2 1EW                        |        nnair@debian.org         |
| England                        |                                 |

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