Ethernet support on Linux for Alpha pc164
I have booted my alpha pc164 with the Debian distribution and installed
the drivers and base disks. I had a 3Com 900 ethernet card previously
installed. After installing the base disks the system didn't reboot
properly; I had to reset it manually. When restarting it didn't find my
ethernet card, so I can not install Debian by ftp.
My questions are:
1) The 3C900 card is PCI 32 and it is installed in a PCI 64 slot. Does
it matter?
2) Is this card supported by the alpha version of the Linux kernel?
3) Does the standard alpha kernel support any ethernet card?
Thanks in advance,
Jorge Ortiz
| Jorge David Ortiz Fuentes
| Ing. Quimico
| Ing. Industrial
| Ing. Tec. Informatico de gestion
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