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Re: GLIBC 2.0.5c changes...

Some regression is quite possible.  What I can say is that libc6.1*
packages were built from the official Debian glibc-2.0.5c source package
without any modifications.  I only performed some basic tests before
uploading it.

What strikes me is that kernel headers are included in the libc
development package.  What happened to the package `kernel-headers'?
With 2.0.x even non-asm kernel headers are different on different hardware
platforms.  I may have missed the integration of kernel-headers into
glibc, but I don't recollect any talks on this topic.  Does anybody know
how and why it happened?

Anyway, I think at the moment we'd be better off with symlinks into
/usr/src/linux, until we figure out how to make an architecture specific
kernel-headers package.  Although this approach may break some
compilations (requiring simple workarounds in kernel headers - I hate it
as much as everyone else here), it ensures that we interface with the
kernel correctly.

Mike, where are your /usr/include/{linux,asm,scsi} from?


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