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Re: Kernel 2.1.60 and route from netbase 2.17-1?

On Tue, 4 Nov 1997, Lars Wirzenius wrote:

> First, a success report of a sort: We ran three concurrent
> kernel compilations and three concurrent badblocks over the
> weekend and our Alpha didn't crash. At one point, it crashed
> systematically when we ran badblocks. However, my Pentium
> workstation/xterminal did crash (probably not related :).

Great!  I'm happy to hear such a good report :)

> Second: route from netbase 2.17-1 gives an error when I try
> to configure routes. Any routes. Even localnet stuff. When I
> boot 2.0.30, it works. However, the 2.0.30 kernel gives a
> lot of unaligned traps.

Yes, there is a strange route thing with the 2.1 kernels...more on this in
a sec...

> Since I'm too lazy to start reading documentation and
> mailing list archives, I ask here: Is this a known problem
> with the kernel of with the Debian/Alpha route command?

Actually, it has to do with the development kernels in general.  I
initially ran into the same problem and was beating my head against the
desk trying to figure out why things didn't work right.  Anyway, turns out
that only one of the original three route commands that I was using was
actually needed.  Here's a sample config under 2.0.30:
	ifconfig lo
	ifconfig eth0 x.x.x.x netmask
	route add lo
	route add -net x.x.x.0 eth0
	route add -default gw x.x.x.x eth0

Here's what's actually needed under 2.1.59+60 (and probably earlier):
	ifconfig lo
	ifconfig eth0 x.x.x.x netmask
	route add -default gw x.x.x.x eth0

It appears to me that the kernel kinda extracts some generalised routing
info from the initial ifconfig, thereby making localhost and the static
route to the default subnet unnecessary.

Let me know if that helped.  It's been awhile since I played with route
under the new kernels (my alpha's been up for about a month now).


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