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Re: gcc for debian alpha?

On Fri, 29 Aug 1997 mdorman@debian.org wrote:

> Doh!  Chris, you've got it wrong.  The "problem" is that the
> mainstream debian gcc has a number of patches in it that conflict with
> the alpha (the g77 stuff is bad, for instance).  Unfortunately one
> thing our source format _doesn't_ do is handle this situation.  Thus
> I've had to pretty much split gcc development on the alpha, and thus
> my uploads to master keep getting rejected.

Ah, ok...my mistake :)

> For the moment, there's a glibc'd gcc on
> calder.med.miami.edu:/home/mdorman.  Chris, I'm going to drop this on
> beezer today, since calder is going to be going away here soon.

Oh, ok.  If it's not in there when I look, I'll go ahead and ftp it from
your site...

> Maybe egcs will be an appropriate solution for us...

I'm beginning to think so.  I'll look into trying a snapshot when I get
back in town...


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