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Re: "State of the art"

On Jun 12, Michael Alan Dorman wrote:
> There are packages where there is simply no way to work from the
> existing debian package because the alpha mods to it would have been
> too extensive, and were often not conditionalized (no #ifdef's).  This
> includes libg++ (which might be mergeable with the version recently
> released for libc6 use) and probably others.
> I've not felt comfortable about releasing these to the archive, since
> they're basically non-reproducible, so I've been putting them on
> debian.med.miami.edu.

Binary releases only?  I think source packages should also be reachable.
(Probably at some point architecture-dependent dsc and diff files will
even be allowed on master, when other ports face same problems.)

> Also, if people could really give packages a workout, and if someone
> could maintain a debian/alpha status page, with a list of known
> issues, like the telnet bug, on the WWW, so we can remember to look at
> these, but reassure people that things are getting better at the same
> time.

Good idea.  First time there will be terrible lots of small issues, and
I think that Debian bug-tracking system is not quite good for tracking
them.  Basic differences are:
- it is better to keep full description on the page, instead of a link
  to it - the problems are better observed, and they are not going to
  be terribly big bug reports - at this stage, bugs are usually easily
- the reported problems are not solely the maintainer's responsibility,
  anybody should be allowed to take a problem, fix it and send the patch
  to the appropriate Alpha port maintainer.

I could do such a thing, the problem is that I won't be able to maintain
this page in July and August; the page certainly must be automatic, but,
unfortunately, not many things in this world, especially bug-tracking
web pages, can work properly without human intervention for a reasonable
amount of time.  But at least I can try and maybe lend the page to
somebody able to maintain it in my absence.


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