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Re: Updating Triton

Hello Christian and Kari,

On 2024-03-02 16:20, Christian Kastner wrote:

I still haven't got to testing this since solving the existing issues
revealed the next blocker: dependency on pytorch with hip.  I take
that it's still in the works?
Yep, that's the white whale, so to speak.

See [1] for Cory's most recent report, in particular the attachment [2]
with the dependency graph for pytorch. There have been changes since then:
   * rocalution is done
   * rocdbgapi is RFS'ed [3], I think Petter is working on it
   * hipify is currently RFS [4]
   * I'm stalled on composable_kernel (infra work and package updates)
   * you ITPed hipblaslt.

From a 'get it working' perspective, I think all we need is miopen and then we can build pytorch-rocm. We will probably need composable_kernel to achieve good performance.

I have an miopen ITP open, but it has become clear that I am not going to be able to tackle that for a while. If anyone else wants to take it over, please be my guest.

Cory Bloor

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