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Re: Question about how to handle HIP vs hipamd

Hi Étienne,

I've been having trouble reproducing your build. I got further once I switch to gbp, but I'm still getting stuck before it actually begins to build the package. This is my full process:

docker run debian:sid

apt update
apt upgrade
apt install vim sudo build-essential devscripts packaging-dev git
useradd -G sudo --shell /bin/bash --create-home cgmb
echo 'cgmb ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL' >> /etc/sudoers
su - cgmb

gbp clone https://salsa.debian.org/rocm-team/rocm-hipamd.git
cd rocm-hipamd
gbp export-orig
mk-build-deps --install --root-cmd sudo --remove
git clean -dfx
gbp buildpackage

And the output before failure:

cgmb@329da069bd9e:~/rocm-hipamd$ gbp buildpackage
gbp:info: Performing the build
 dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc -ui -i -I
dpkg-buildpackage: info: source package rocm-hipamd
dpkg-buildpackage: info: source version 5.0.0-1~exp1
dpkg-buildpackage: info: source distribution UNRELEASED
dpkg-buildpackage: info: source changed by Maxime Chambonnet <maxzor@maxzor.eu>
 dpkg-source -i -I --before-build .
dpkg-buildpackage: info: host architecture amd64
dpkg-source: info: using patch list from debian/patches/series
dpkg-source: info: applying 0001-Clang-version-munging.patch
dpkg-source: info: applying 0002-orthograph-patch-for-rocclr.patch
dpkg-source: info: applying 0003-hip-config.cmake.patch
dpkg-source: info: applying 0004-hip-cmake-install.patch
dpkg-source: info: applying 0005-clang-14.patch
dpkg-source: info: applying 0006-cram-build-id.patch
 debian/rules clean
dh clean
 dpkg-source -i -I -b .
dpkg-source: info: using source format '3.0 (quilt)'
dpkg-source: info: building rocm-hipamd using existing ./rocm-hipamd_5.0.0.orig-clr.tar.gz dpkg-source: info: building rocm-hipamd using existing ./rocm-hipamd_5.0.0.orig-hip.tar.gz dpkg-source: info: building rocm-hipamd using existing ./rocm-hipamd_5.0.0.orig-opencl.tar.gz dpkg-source: info: building rocm-hipamd using existing ./rocm-hipamd_5.0.0.orig.tar.gz
dpkg-source: info: using patch list from debian/patches/series
dpkg-source: info: local changes detected, the modified files are:
dpkg-source: error: aborting due to unexpected upstream changes, see /tmp/rocm-hipamd_5.0.0-1~exp1.diff.qe8gdD dpkg-source: info: Hint: make sure the version in debian/changelog matches the unpacked source tree dpkg-source: info: you can integrate the local changes with dpkg-source --commit dpkg-buildpackage: error: dpkg-source -i -I -b . subprocess returned exit status 2
debuild: fatal error at line 1182:
dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc -ui -i -I failed
gbp:error: 'debuild -i -I' failed: it exited with 29

I've tried a few things to try and fix this (including dpkg-source --commit and quilt refresh), but thus far I have failed to advance any further. I will need some help to reach the point at which I can debug the failures you describe.

I notice that Maxime reported an issue related to oclperf.exclude [1], which I have now opened an internal ticket for. The low-level ROCm components use an entirely different set of tools and processes for making code contributions as compared to the ROCm math libraries I'm familiar with, but Jeremy recently taught me how it's done. I'll submit a patch to correct that issue upstream.

[1]: https://github.com/RadeonOpenCompute/ROCm-OpenCL-Runtime/issues/140

Cory Bloor

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