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Re: How are system parameters entered into s-taprop.adb?

On Fri, 2012-03-30 at 11:11 +0000, darkestkhan wrote:
> 2012/3/29 Svante Signell <svante.signell@telia.com>:
> >> You should really learn how Ada packages work :)

Working on it. Looks like there are not so many Ada people or packages
around. Wondering why. It is used in many safety-critical projects
though (and they are not open source??)

> *.ads files are specification files - they contain only specifications
> of procedures, functions, interfaces, constants, tasks, etc. while
> *.adb files are implementations of corresponding .ads file (ie.
> some_package.adb is implementation of specification some_package.ads).
> One can compare it to .h and .c files in C (though specifications in
> Ada are much more important than in C).


> PS: Ada is lady's name not some acronym ;)

Thanks, I'll use Ada in the future (surely it was not Linda?)

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