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Re: local repostory doesn't show up (synaptic or apt)

On 6/14/2020 2:36 AM, Andreas Benzler wrote:
Am Samstag, den 13.06.2020, 13:58 -0400 schrieb Cindy Sue Causey:
On 6/13/20, Andreas Benzler <andreas@benzlerweb.de> wrote:
On Sat, 2020-06-13 at 17:04 +0200, john doe wrote:
How is this related to this list?

Normal user how wanne include local repo for test packages.

Hi, Andy.. What John was meaning is this is the debian-accessibility
list which really is specifically about figuring out accessibility
issues that block users' usage of Debian.

There's a different list where I've seen similar local (onsite)
repository questions to yours. That's debian-user:


Best wishes in finding an answer..

Cindy :)
Dear Cindy,

it's not a debian-user problem. The apt cache isn't in a clear state by
instaling an reinstalling stuff like I did it here.

Still missing the catch up ...

In the other handy: I downgrade xorg to 1.19.7 (self build Xorg with
resources from buster and patches from skretch (done in docker).

With the Result: AMD-PRO 20.10 works. Lutrius WINE and Steam Nativ
(incl. Opteron) like an umbrella .... ah and Davinci Resolv (OpenCL).

Please see (1) for what this list is all about.

1)  https://wiki.debian.org/de/accessibility

John Doe

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