Am Samstag, den 13.06.2020, 13:58 -0400 schrieb Cindy Sue Causey:
On 6/13/20, Andreas Benzler <> wrote:
On Sat, 2020-06-13 at 17:04 +0200, john doe wrote:
How is this related to this list?
Normal user how wanne include local repo for test packages.
Hi, Andy.. What John was meaning is this is the debian-accessibility
list which really is specifically about figuring out accessibility
issues that block users' usage of Debian.
There's a different list where I've seen similar local (onsite)
repository questions to yours. That's debian-user:
Best wishes in finding an answer..
Cindy :)
Dear Cindy,
it's not a debian-user problem. The apt cache isn't in a clear state by
instaling an reinstalling stuff like I did it here.
Still missing the catch up ...
In the other handy: I downgrade xorg to 1.19.7 (self build Xorg with
resources from buster and patches from skretch (done in docker).
With the Result: AMD-PRO 20.10 works. Lutrius WINE and Steam Nativ
(incl. Opteron) like an umbrella .... ah and Davinci Resolv (OpenCL).