Re: Accessibility options in Debian
hi there,
I would advise you stear away from gnome, it is a memmory hog, it's
why i'm sticking with mate, far easia to use in my book,
and accessibility is good.
they doo say that gnome is quite accessible, but I have not used it
since the good ol gnome-2 days.
did give it a breefe test when i was fiddleing with fedora and did not
like the experience.
i've never used any other voice than ol espeak-ng, do they sound nice?
i'm sorry I can't help you on the e-max issue, i've never used that,
seembs like there's alot i've never used, sorry again!
and yep orca does work with mate as you've found out,
hint hint!
go to system menu, preferances, and personal menu.
and go to the assistive technology menu item make sure that the box
for enableing the technology is enabled :)
a log out and log back in will be required, this may be enabled but
better to check
hope this helped you :)
Majid Hussain
On 22/07/2019, Aaron <> wrote:
> Thanks for the suggestions. I tried installing Orca on a Raspberry Pi
> the other day, but it seemed to have trouble with the Pixel desktop. I
> was a little concerned after reading that Orca is tightly integrated
> with the Gnome desktop, but more recent information seems to suggest
> that it can be used with Mate and even XFCE/LXDE.
> I haven't been able to get the "Install with speech synthesis" option to
> work at all yet, if that is the flaw you are referring to.
> I have been able to get Orca working quite well on Buster Mate and am
> figuring out how to change the voice to one of the FLite arctic options.
> Oddly, Orca does not have an entry on the Mate start menu. Would you
> recommend Gnome 3 with this tool? I prefer how light-weight Mate is and
> always found Gnome 3 confusing, but I'm willing to try if it seems worth
> it.
> Is anyone using emacspeak? This seems to be a new option that comes up a
> lot, and looks similar to the Knoppix Adriane project.
> Thank you,
> Aaron
> On 7/22/19 11:47 AM, Majid Hussain wrote:
>> hi there,
>> would advise you run with orca, it is a very good screen reader :)
>> Majid Hussain
kind regards,
Majid Hussain
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