Bug#800602: Lightdm: orca speaks characters while typing the password.
Control: tags -1 unreproducible
Raphaël POITEVIN, le Thu 01 Oct 2015 17:12:20 +0200, a écrit :
> Package: gnome-orca
> Version: 3.16.2-1.1
Err, there is no such version in Debian. There used to be 3.16.2-1, but
not 3.16.2-1.1, and now it's 3.18.0-1.
> I type my password directly, with the default selected user. Orca speaks characters.
I'm not getting that behavior. I tried installing both stable and
testing, in both cases I'm getting "asterisk" in the password field. In
the stable case, I tried to install 3.16.2-1, with the same result.
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