debian-accessibility May 2015 by thread
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Bug#785864: pocketsphinx: Please update to GStreamer 1.x slomo
Bug#786043: sphinxtrain: deprecation of python-support dktrkranz
Bug#786186: dots: deprecation of python-support dktrkranz
Processing of gnome-orca_3.16.2-1_amd64.changes Debian FTP Masters
gnome-orca_3.16.2-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable Debian FTP Masters
Bug#786674: at-spi2-core: AT-SPI D-Bus bus started only in GNOME environment Jonas Smedegaard
Trouble with brltty-speechd in jessie Halim Sahin
Re: Bug#786832: software speech not working on installation CD on this machine Cyril Brulebois
Re: Bug#667616: marked as forwarded (brltty greedily grabs serial ports, ftdi_sio loses connection) Alan Gray
brltty handy tech issue Halim Sahin
The last update was on 11:03 GMT Mon Jun 03. There are 50 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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