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Re: Make syslinux beep?

On Thu, Jul 17, 2008 at 08:33:36PM -0300, Otavio Salvador wrote:
> > It's annoying for me amongst others. I do huge numbers of installations 
> > and even more boots of the installer during development.

	I intend doing very few installations, so don't really mind the
boot prompt not beeping.  I know my hardware well enough to know that
the prompt is there, waiting, 3 seconds after the drive starts spinning.
It's only loading and running the MBR, not an entire OS.  I posted a few
months back in the SpeakUP mailing list, about talking with grub's 
maintainer about  adding an audio feature to grub/lilo so we could have
some kind of audio feedback at the boot prompt.  He replied that he
would discuss it, and thought it was a good idea.  Maybe if more users
made similar requests.  His addy is "William Pitcock
<nenolod@sacredspiral.co.uk>", or that's who I spoke with.  We discussed
things like adding an audio beep feature that would increase in pitch as
you cursored down a menu listing, to using morse code to play out the
menu text.  If there's anything in the works from the discussion, I
haven't heard anything.


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