Re: Firefox 3 in Debian
On Mon, Mar 10, 2008 at 11:50:50AM +0100, Milan Zamazal wrote:
> I routinely do this. Nice thing about Firefox is that you can run it
> immediately either from the build directory or an arbitrary directory
> you unpack the built tarball to. So there is no need to install it into
> standard directory hierarchy and/or to make Debian packages just for
> that purpose.
This is good news.
> As for build dependencies, you can start with Firefox 2 (Iceweasel)
> build dependencies. If anything additional is needed for Firefox 3, its
> build scripts will tell you.
> As building Firefox 3 for the first time is not a very easy thing, you
> may prefer
> JW> 1. To wait for the Debian packages.
Reading the build instructions, it appears to need a build configuration file.
I'm going to be rather busy this week anyway with real work. If the Debian
packages aren't here in the next several weeks, I'll revisit building this
from source. Of course, once the Debian packages are in place, building from
source will be easier anyway, for example to obtain development versions with
newer accessibility features.
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