Re: New Debian-Installer Floppies with BRLTTY
Hi Mario & all,
Just an additionnal question : You need these two floppies in order to
be able to install sarge with the new debian-installer but do you
need something else ? I think you need sarge CD isos but something else
Thx in advance for this precision.
Mario Lang <> writes:
> Hi people.
> I've built a new floppy set based on the new Debian-Installer
> for Sarge with BRLTTY included. I've just installed a fresh
> new system with them, so they appear to work. If you have some spare
> machine to test this on, I'd appreciate your comments.
> You can find the image files at:
> bootfloppy-image.img is the first floppy required for booting.
> access-image.img is the second floppy required.
> How To:
> You need to pass a kernel option to lilo when the first floppy
> (bootfloppy) boots, to tell brltty what display you have, and where it
> is connected.
> I've tested with a Vario here, so I passed the following options:
> boot: linux brltty=va,tts/1,de
> This would load brltty with the Vario (va) driver, try
> to initialize the display at /dev/tts/1 (COM2), and use
> a german translation table.
> After the initial (bootfloppy) has finished loading, it
> waits for a second floppy (or an USB storage device) to.
> Just swap floppies, and wait for the second floppy to load. During the
> loading of the second floppy, BRLTTY should initialize your display and you
> should be able to read all the screen content.
> Please let me know if anything is unclear, or if something didn't work
> proerply.
> However, note that the Debian-Installer is still in development,
> so there might be some little issues.
> --
> CYa,
> Mario | Debian Developer <URL:>
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