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Re: Partitioning Atari Falcon in order to run linux/m68k

Stefan Niestegge dixit:

>Thanks to the kernel i got from Geert, i do now have network support
>on my NetUSBee, too.

Wonderful! As soon as this hits the vanilla kernels, we will
have this in the Debian kernel as well (if .config changes are
required DO PING ME so I can submit that to the Debian Linux
kernel maintainers – or do that yourself).

>i was not able to e2resize the /dev/hda4 online, as this is only
>supported as long the ext2 fs is unmounted.

Oh okay. It sometimes works. *shrug* So thanks for the info.

>PS: my network does work (i can download stuff and do updates, but it
>seems to lack some features. dhclient does not work as i usually see it.

Well you *do* need to add two lines to /etc/network/interfaces
for that:

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp

The isc-dhcp-client package is preinstalled, so this ought to work.

Good luck,
17:57 < jtsn> Der 25C3 ist lustig. Deutsche Vortragende brechen sich vor
deutschen Zuhörern auf Englisch einen ab. ;-)  18:01 < jtsn> Adolfs Werk
war sehr nachhaltig. ;-)    18:01 < jtsn> Das gab's nichtmal in der DDR,
das Deutsche mit Deutschen auf Russisch reden. ;-)          (10x cnuke@)

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