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Re: Recommendations for trying etch-m68k

On Fri, Jul 13, 2007 at 01:32:52PM -0500, Joel Ewy wrote:
> 2.  I would like to switch to a 2.6 kernel.  I just tried a 2.6.18-4-mac
> floppy image from the EMILE SourceForge page.  It boots and I can SSH
> in, but ADB seems to be broken (or maybe it's hardcoded for a non-US
> keyboard layout?  (Is there a boot option?))  I guess I'll have to try
> emile-tools and make my own boot disk.  Suggestions on a good binary?

On the ADB problem, what happens when you try to use your keyboard? If
you get nothing at all, it might be a problem with the driver. If you
get the wrong keys, you're probably running into the fact that the
kernel changed the way the keys are mapped inside the driver. You need
to use standard PC keyboard mappings with the 2.6 kernel. If you have
it setup to load one of the old ADB mapping tables on boot, it will
misinterpret all keyboard input. Take a look at this URL:


It's written by the powerpc port team, but the story is similar. The
ppc team kept more up to date on the kernel, so they ran into this
issue in the upgrade to woody rather than for etch.

	Brad Boyer

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