Re: cross gcc-4.1.2-12 packages
On 6/17/07, Bill Allombert <> wrote:
On Sat, Jun 16, 2007 at 11:54:20PM -0700, Brian Morris wrote:
> hi, Bill
> I just got sid installed on ppc and my ppc versions match those you
> give below. I am getting ready to build cross compiler. two checks:
> a) as you say "official method" am i correct in using your directions
> I got off the list or has there been an update (i am not sure what
> official means)
The official instructions are the one given in the files:
ok, those helped. yet I found Roman Zippels notes still to be
helpful. and both instructions have needed some (minor) update.
(for example, kernel-headers package name has totally changed from
2.6.18 to 2.6.21)
> b) I would be glad to share if i had a place to put them but i don't.
If you can PGP-sign them, that could be arranged.
I can sign them with debsigs, that is sign the debs. my key I just made
so it is not "registered" with debian. but you can check and keep
track of me with just the number, debsigs ---list produces, until
2nd week August I can get my identity confirmed at Linux World conference
where the Debian booth has that service (it doesn't cost me anything
I just get an exhibit pass, and I live close enough to commute).
I tested experimentally a little last night with this. I found using
an old mac g3 that is roughly 15times the speed of my mac quadra,
I get consistently about 3.5 times faster compile with simple
examples of one page routines, no special configuration, some
textbook code samples in c++.
watching the g3 closely with top while the quadra compiles. It looks
like compiling a routine the mac takes about 20 seconds, three seconds
on the g3 compiling and 2 seconds of the network (lights flash on my
hub-switch). So I figure simple arithmetic this is about the best one can
do. that is even if compile took 0 seconds that could only be another
15% improvement (or with my g4 which is 3x the g3 then 10%).
I don't know if there could be any way to reduce this overhead factor.
in the case of packages which need a lot of configuration of course the
benefit would be less initially but the same for recompiles on most things.
anyway, I think it should be good news to people that you could
get a good help from say a $50 imac-g3. with a g4 I would save that
for aranym (or basiliskII if someone makes mmu plug-in).
with regards to other languages I am experimenting with ecl
(embeddable lisp compiler), it has some problem with lisp packages
in debian (architecture independently), but it does work on 68k and
it not only compiles to C but dynamically loads the results back in
to the interpreter. and it is standards compliant as good or better
than the other lisps in debian. with the cross compiler it should
be pretty fast.
on the other hand trying to deal with my emacs problem it has to do
its byte compiling locally and that takes a while to set up itself each time.
most lisp programmers use a package in emacs to hook in the native
lisp, that also has to compile install. for all this it took me once run
through two days to build and two hours roughly to install. wish for
an efficient simulator there. Basilisk is really LOTs faster than it used
to be but useless here w/out mmu.
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