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Re: More RAM - a bad trend for m68k debian

On Thu, 2006-03-23 at 21:28 +0100, Christian Brandt wrote:
> Stephen R Marenka schrieb:
> > ebay.com is where I bought ram for my macs.
>   At least _my_ RAM-slots are full with the biggest ZIP-style-ICs 
> available for Amiga. Same goes for other m68k-amigas and ataris, most 
> have not even SIMM-slots but demand single RAM-ICs and then 4MBit is the 
> biggest available option with maybe 16 or 32 sockets, totalling out at 
> 16MB with great pain. And I didn't even mention that it is nearly 
> impossible to aquire ZIP-style RAM today.
>   The most uptodate systems maybe have four slots for PS/2-SIMMs but 
> rarelly can use more than 128MB - if you can find the special and very 
> rare FPM-PS/2-SIMMs at all - the 16MB can be bought from time to time, 
> 32MB FPM is very rare and 64MB... I haven't seen them for sale in 15 years.
>   Many embedded m68k-systems only have one PS/2-slot at all, so you are 
> hogged at 16MB.
>   So upgrading is no real solution.
>   Christian Brandt


But how much should Linux hold back because it can't be run on 10year
old plus hardware?  Maybe it's just dying hardware you know?  Maybe
there'll come a point where we can't run newer versions of linux and
instead we'll have to backport stuff to older kernels and such.  It's
nice that they support it and even if Amiga can't run it, CT60 atari's
with 512MB of ram will be able to, so for sure there is a point to the

Your dilemma is the dilemma of every ST owner in existence.  I want to
spend money, I want to upgrade my system but no matter what I do, it cna
only take 4MB.  Eventually you just give up hope ;)


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