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Re: Update: New Installation problem on SE/30

On Sat, Jun 15, 2002 at 08:25:18AM -0700, William Crowshaw wrote:
> /dev/sda1  map Apple 63 @ 1 (31.5k) Partition map
> /dev/sda2  Dr43 Macintosh  32 @ 64 (16.0k) Driver 4.3
> /dev/sda3  HFS MacOS 17368 @ 96 (8.5M) HFS
> /dev/sda4  unix swap 57437 @ 17464 (28.0M) Linux swap
> /dev/sda5  unix root 640979 @ 74901 (313.0M) Linux
> native.
> Block size=512, Number of Blocks=715880

So, /dev/sda4 and 5 were not created in MacOS, right? Or if they
were, they were deleted and re-created in fdisk using the c command?

> >Does it exist in /target/dev?
> >
> No, sr0 does not exist in /target.  Nor does /dev
> exist in /target.  Another installer mistake?

It's too early in the installation for there to be much in /target.

> About the CD, at this point, the CD really hasn't even
> come into play.  But as I can see from
> console 3's error message, the installer immediately
> tries to amount the CD even though 
> it has not asked me if I want to install from a CD. 
> As far as I am concerned, I think this is
> wrong and ought to be fixed.

It's that way for the ease of new users who are using bootable CDs.

> Anyway, the CD I will eventually try to use is the
> Debian Potato CD's.  In my past
> SE/30 installation, I took the macinstall.tar.gz from
> your ~cts ftp site.  This is supposed
> to be for woody.  The macinstall.tar.gz for the old
> Potato CD does not work.  Anyway, when the installer
> asks for the base files, I point it to the file
> base2_2.tgz on the Potato CD, instead of pointing to
> woody's base2_4. This has worked in the past
> perfectly.

This won't work with the woody installer, it expects to find
a differently-formatted and differently-named base file. I 
think you must have been using a potato installer, or woody 
before version 3.0 (pre April 2001). What's wrong with potato's

> sense, I AM the expert when it comes to installing
> Debian on a SE/30.  I did it last year and wrote a
> lengthy how-to about my experience.  Reinstalling,
> I have been embarassed to find out that my how-to is
> not worth anything due to faults with the current
> installer. I'm try to save face and fix this how-to,
> otherwise I pull it.  

Where is your howto, maybe I can give you some pointers on what's
changed.  woody would probably fit, and you have enough memory, are
you determined to have potato? The kernel is the same.

*------v--------- Installing Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 --------v------*
|      <http://www.debian.org/releases/woody/installmanual>      |
|   debian-imac (potato): <http://debian-imac.sourceforge.net>   |
|            Chris Tillman        tillman@voicetrak.com          |
|                   May the Source be with you                   |

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