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Re: removing xdm


If you would use the tasksel, you can set up a complete X window system.

This will install xdm, but this really isn't a problem if gpm isn't running.
-----Original Message-----
From: Moses Wildermuth <MosesPro@ecity.net>
To: debian-68k@lists.debian.org <debian-68k@lists.debian.org>
Date: Friday, November 24, 2000 7:45 PM
Subject: Re: removing xdm

>From the desk of Moses Wildermuth. Money Talks Enterprises,
>> On Thu, Nov 23, 2000 at 06:26:14PM -0500, Moses Wildermuth wrote:
>>> When I launch starrtx, X starts to run, then suddenly quits. I don't
>>> remember entire error messages on VT.  It mainly said waiting for X to
>>> exit.  Then exited normally.  So I ran xinit and took off that way.
>> And when X fails it tells you to send the COMPLETE output you had on the
>> screen. Capture it if need be (startx >log 2>&1), it contains important
>> information, if you want other to diagnose your problem.
>OK I will log it next time.
>> I think you do get past the "pesky login" but, since you have no window
>> manager, to script finishes or fails to complete and logs you out again.
>> Just a wild idea, but I saw this happening when I was experimenting with
>> my .xsession. NOTE: everything is fine if you do NOT have an .xsession,
>> but things can be hosed if you have a wrong one.
>I get past it now by uninstalling xdm.  When I got in before, it was
>xdm failed at bootup, I modified XF86Config until X started with startx,
>then after rebooting I was down for 2 weeks or more because of that
>repeating password..
>> By install I mean "apt-get install fvwm", but better do it with dselect,
>> since it might require additional packages (like fvwm-common).
>ok, I did not see the package in my list but I will go grab it this way and
>try it.
>> should insert ANYTHING into the startx script. If you did so, delete it,
>> remove all X packages and start (with installing X) from scratch. startx
>> is fine as it is shipped, if you want it to configure, you only edit
>> config files, ie .xsession. Try man startx, man xdm, etc.
>yes I read those man pages and modified .xsession a little(I think I only
>added one line to start twm).  I can't remember because it was nearly 3
>weeks ago.
> AGAIN: X and xdm
>> are fine when all required packages are installed (required as in
>> for xfree to run fine, not necessary required by the packages), you do
>> have to edit any config file (except XF86Config _IF_ you are using a
>> non-standard video mode (read: not 8-bit), but you are told so when
>> installing X). That has been my experiance in all debian-m68k/potato
>> (Amiga) installs, we worked hard to get this far.
>xdm is not fine.  It won't stop asking for a password, this is not fine.  I
>had to modify XF86Config totally to get my monitor and video settings close
>to being right, AND I had to add the video= argument to the amiboot
>script(that's not in docs either, at least I never saw it anywhere)
>>> I always go all out for appearance balanced with functionality, of
>>> my definition of functional may not = any one elses. :-} I want a fancy
>>> one just to say I did it. Debian and X have been very fast on my simple
>>> 040/40warp engine, and I wanna push it a little.
>> </sarcasm on>
>> Cool, so you made your PhD before you got the Diploma? Nice tactic,
>> guaranteed to get a good grade in the diploma.
>> </sarcasm off>
>This system should not be such a pain in bum to set up and it would get a
>lot more support.  What can I tell people who ask me about using Debian?
>It's a pain to install, a pain to set up, and the developer is sarcastic.
>Yeah sign me right up.
>MosesPro --> Money Talks Enterprises
>http://www.angelfire.com/ia/mosespro, ICQ-13469530, AIM-Wolfy2264
>A3000D, Warp040/40, Spectrum, ASDG Xserial, Nexus, 2+64 Fast+8 DMA(RAD:),
>9+1.2gig SCSI2, Zip100 and  Pinnacle 2X CDR/W; Running Hot with OS3.5 and
>Scalos1.2! Emulating MacOS7.61 and Win3.11WFW, Debian68k, X is next.
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