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Re: Segmentation Fault

"Jordan Curzon" <curzonj@hotmail.com> writes:
> I have a sparse knowledge of this that and the other thing but for the most 
> part I am a newbie.
> I have installed slink on a Performa 637CD with a 68LC040
> chip. I have read about problems with it and that somethings don't
> work. When I try to run adduser it reports a segmentation fault and
> quits the program. It also does the same thing with varius other
> progs.

The segmentation fault might be because of the missing FPU. I don't
know if the FPU emulation has improved in later kernels, but you could
try if potato works better for you. Also, I've read that quite a few
68LC040 chips have a bug that makes FPU emulation pretty much
impossible. There's also a -msoft-float switch to gcc, so it might be
possible to recompile some software that makes trouble so that it
requires neither FPU nor emulator. I haven't tried that, though.

The simplest solution might be to search ebay or Mac magazines for
used 68040s (with FPU). Three weeks ago I got one myself for 35 DM
(that's US$ 12.something). I don't know if that was a good deal or
not, but it's hard to feel ripped off at that scale :-)

> Also, I only installed base2_1.tgz but I can't find the man command.
> Do I need more packages to get man. I have the pages and can gunxip
> them and read the in ae but that is a pain.

In potato, the man command is in package man-db, but that could be
different for slink. You will want to get less, too, as the base*.tgz
only contains more (and you can't scroll back with that).

You can search Debian packages at
http://www.debian.org/distrib/packages. If you're looking for a
specific file (bin/man in this case), use the "Search the Contents of
the Latest Release" form at the bottom of the page.


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