LC 630 problems
Hello all,
I was wondering if someone might be able to help me. I just recently
(last night) installed potato on my LC 630 and I'm having problems. The
install went alright until it got to the end when you boot up for the
first time to give a root password etc. It booted alright until it got
to modprobe at wich point it complained about not finding modules
char-major-4-66, char-major-4-67, char-major-4-69 for the devices
/dev/ttyS2, /dev/ttyS3, and /dev/ttyS5 (/dev/ttyS0 and /dev/ttyS1 are
said to be undefined) and therefore could not configure them. That's not
too bad a problem, the big problem came when it came to init. Right
after printing out the following...
"Starting kernal module cleaner: modclean."
it starts printing out the following and never stops.
"INIT: Id "1" respawning too fast: disabled for 5 minutes"
I logged in alright and though at first that maybe it was the fault of a
single program and that maybe I just needed to replace it. I started up
deselect and went about chosing programs to download. After downloading
all the sofware deselect atempted to install the packeges but
/usr/sbin/dpkg-preconfigure segfaulted so the install was never
completed. I just went and checked some of the programs out to see it
other programs segfault... I get the following results:
"ls -l -F --color=tty" segfaults at random
"adduser" always segfaults
"shutdown -h now" doesn't seg fault neither does "shutdown -r now"
I'll try some other stuff later tonight. Any help would be greatly
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