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Re: quadra 605

Josh wrote:

> Hello,
> I got Debian running on my Mac IIci fine (slow though)
> I'm just wondering, can I install Debian on a Quadra 605?
> I read some FAQ's, and maybe there's a problem with 68LC040's?
> is that so?
> (I tried and am getting weird scrolling data with stuff like:
> "Call trace" and a bunch of numbers and "Id 2 respawning too fast")

I have a similar problem happening to me on my LC 630. When I go to boot the
newly installed  sytem for the first time (to run dselect and all that stuff) it
boots alright (well it complains about not finding modules for some of the
devices like ttyS0 etc) and then when it gets to init it hangs and I get the

"INIT: Id "1" respawning too fast: disabled for 5 minutes"

It just keeps on saying that over and over. The message prior to that said...
"Starting kernal module cleaner: modclean."

I installed the system completely from scratch. Does anybody have any ideas what
could be causing the problem.


> Thanks
> Josh.
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