dpkg error w/ mac68k boot-floppies 2.2.12
I have tried several installs using the potato boot-floppies version
2.2.12 for the m68k macintosh. The same error has occurred on 3
different systems and I have tried the install several times. When I
select the simple installation where I pick major functional packages
from the list after selecting quit from the list the system will display
the following message:
dpkg: unexpected data after package and selection at line 1
I am unfamiliar with the debian package management system and only have
experience with debian on the m68k macintosh arch. The above message is
followed by a log-in prompt. I can login in at that point and run
dselect and select packages and install to complete the installation.
This problem only seems to occur with the simple install which I assume
most newbies will want to do. If someone could point out where I might
find additional error logs ..etc that might help identify the cause of
the bug I would appreciate it. As far as I could tell this error was
not logged in /var/log should I be looking somewhere else for an error
log pertaining to dpkg?
Ray Knight
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