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Re: Debian 2.1 on Quadra800 (Ethernet does not work)?

> I have successfully installed Debian 2.1 on a Quadra800. Everything works
> fine, except the Ethernet:
> - it is detected by Penguin (built-in, SONIC)
> - it is tested on MacOS (so the hardware and my LAN is ok!)
> - it is configured (IP address, routes etc.)
> - no error messages appear at startup (it seems to be detected an initialized
>    ok)
> but...
> - it oviously does neither send nor receive packets (testing with ping to
>    another Linux box's IP address in my LAN, watching the 10baseT hub LEDs
>    for traffic -> no traffic, 100% packet loss).

This question hasn't come up in a few weeks so a fresh answer might be in
order (insert obFAQ hint here).

I'm 100% certain that this used to work (as in: been there, done that,
built the 2.1 boot-floppies on such a beast). Check the setting of the
"don't disable VBL interrupts" option in the booter. It defaults to on but
needs to be off for Nubus interrupts to work. 


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