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Re: samba

Napisane 20-Mar-00 przez: Andreas Meyer...

>>> I wonder if Samba needs to be installed on a Linux-server
>>> to access the server from an Amiga?
>> Why not, if the Amiga runs Windows? 

>? I thought Samba must run in heterogen networks? I can not access a
>Linux-server from an Amiga without Samba running on it, can I?
>On a LAN with Linux as the server, e.g.

What does samba has to "accessing the server from an Amiga" ???! Surely if you
need/want/like to access the server using the mycowsoft windows for WRK.GRPs
network protocol _then_ you need the server that can serve you "shares" using
this protocol. Read: _then_ you must have samba on the linux set up and
running. But, frankly, what for? AFAIK samba has been created only (or mostly)
to allow people using dumb windows which cannot understand more open and less
proprietary protocols to access the services on the not-so-dumb UNIX
servers... Therefore as Michael has already written the only real need would
be if your Amiga has been running mycrownsold windows (r) (c) (tm) which
probably is not the fact. Is it?

      / /
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    / /  silverdr@wfmh.org.pl
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