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debian 2 install

is everything i need on ...../disks68k/current/amiga
or not??
if not where in can find??

yesterday i found NOTHING in this dir on ftp.debian.org

thanx anyway

| Marcello Mezzanotti <mezzanet@iname.com>      |   Amiga 1200/18Mb   |
| AmigaBR User Group <mezzanet@amiga-br.com.br> | 030/50Mhz 882/50Mhz |
| C, Pascal, Arexx Programmer                   |  1.08Gb HD / EZ135  |
| Star Trek, UNIX, Amiga Computers              |     AmigaOS  3.1    |
| http://www.amiga-br.com.br                    |     Linux 2.0.33    |
| IRC Nick: MezzaNET                            |      NetBSD 1.3     |
+-----------------------------------------------+                     |
|     Amiga: The Computer For Creative Minds    | P133 16Mb  (it sux) |
|    Linux: The Choice of The Next Generation   |    Linux 2.0.33     |

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