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Re: Idea: diversity sponsorship

also sprach Margarita Manterola <margamanterola@gmail.com> [2014-09-08 07:26 +0200]:
> I don't oppose the concept of making sure that we sponsor enough from
> diverse attendees, but I don't like the idea of having two pools, nor the
> 2500 EUR number. That is a lot money, and while it might be justified for
> someone coming from around the globe, it would be absurd for someone coming
> from Europe.

Yes, I agree with you. Maybe we could define it as travel from your
location (incl. public transport etc.) + room&board + some pocket

I think there is a benefit in two pools for this. Anyone can apply
for sponsorship and be vetted by bursaries. But this is a higher
barrier of entry than us reaching out to someone and saying "hey, we
want you, here is everything you need to worry about, and no, we
won't tell you to go through the procedure of applying for

> One thing that was mentioned last week, while discussing this with
> people from the bursaries team is that we may factor diversity
> into the ranking, as one extra factor (participation in Debian and
> financial need being the other two).

We already did this, but yes, there will be more.

> I don't oppose in principle to having a perk of sponsoring
> attendees, but I think we should be the ones that decide who's
> sponsored, not the companies.


> How would you word it so that it made sense?

How about (first draft):

  We are an all-inclusive conference, and we understand that
  diversity among our participants and the contents we offer can
  provide huge benefits to everyone involved. In addition to our
  existing travel sponsorship programme, to which anyone can apply,
  we are instituting a diversity outreach programme, allowing us to
  hand out scholarships to people whose participation would benefit
  the conference in this regard. We invite sponsors interested in
  supporting this cause to donate such scholarships, which we will
  prominently honour.

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <madduck@debconf.org> @martinkrafft
: :'  :  DebConf orga team
`. `'`
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